Hymns and Wedding Music for all Harps
The third book in the Sylvia Woods multi-level harp book series. It contains popular hymns and church music, wedding processionals and recessionals, and a special section of Jewish music for joyous occasions. There are about 50 pieces, each with 2 arrangements: an easy version, and one that is more difficult. Also, each tune includes chord indications that can be used by harpers or other instrumentalists. Spiral-bound. Playable on lever harps and pedal harps.
- Abide With Me
- All Glory, Laud And Honor
- All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name
- All People On Earth Do Dwell
- Amazing Grace
- Artsa Alinu
- As With Gladness Men Of Old
- Ave Maria, Op. 52, No. 6
- Be Thou My Vision
- Blest Be The Tie That Binds
- Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
- The Church's One Foundation
- Come, Christians, Join To Sing
- Come, Thou Almighty King
- Doxology
- Fairest Lord Jesus
- Faith Of Our Fathers
- For The Beauty Of The Earth
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Hava Nagila (Let's Be Happy)
- Heyveynu Shalom Aleychem
- Hinay Ma Tov
- Hineh Ma Tov
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord
- Jacob's Ladder
- Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
- Jesus Loves Me
- Kozatzke
- Kum Ba Yah
- L'cha Dodi
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- Morning Has Broken
- Nearer, My God, To Thee
- Now The Day Is Over
- O God, Our Help In Ages Past
- O Perfect Love
- Prayer Of Thanksgiving
- Rock Of Ages
- Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus
- This Is My Father's World
- Trumpet Tune
- Trumpet Voluntary
- We Gather Together
- Wedding March (Bridal Chorus)
- What A Friend We Have In Jesus
- When Morning Gilds The Skies