52 Scottish Songs for All Harps (Paperback)
Includes two arrangements each (one for beginning and one for advanced harp players) of 52 favorite Scottish songs.
Song list:
- Annie Laurie
- Auld Lang Syne
- Ay Waukin, O
- Baloo Baleerie
- The Birks Of Aberfeldy
- The Blue Bells Of Scotland
- The Boatie Rows
- Bonnie Dundee
- Bonnie George Campbell
- Bonnie Wee Thing
- Braw, Braw Lads
- Buy Broom Besoms
- Ca' The Yowes To The Knowes
- Charlie Is My Darlin'
- Comin' Through The Rye
- Corn Rigs Are Bonnie
- Dumbarton's Drums
- Duncan Gray
- Flow Gently, Sweet Afton
- The Flowers Of The Forest
- Green Grow The Rushes, O
- Hame, Hame, Hame
- Hieland Laddie
- Ho Ro My Nut-Brown Maiden
- I Aince Lo'ed A Lass
- I'll Ay Ca' In By Yon Toun
- Jock O'hazeldean
- John Anderson, My Jo
- The Keel Row
- Kelvingrove (R.Rhein)
- Land O' The Leal
- Lassie Wi' The Lint-White Locks
- The Lea Rig
- Leezie Lindsay
- Loch Lomond
- Loch Tay Boat Song
- A Man's A Man For A' That
- My Heart's In The Highlands
- O My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose
- My Love She's But A Lassie Yet
- My Nanie, O
- Oh Rowan Tree
- Rantin' Rovin' Robin
- Rattlin' Roarin' Willie
- A Rosebud By My Early Walk
- Scotland The Brave (Tunes Of Glory)
- Scots Wha Hae
- The Skye Boat Song
- Wae's Me For Prince Charlie
- The White Cockade
- Will Ye No Come Back Again?
- Ye Banks And Braes